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Alfa & Omega Tax Services

Tax Preparation Services, Tax Services and Payroll Services

Alfa & Omega Tax Services’s Tax Filing

Some people are required by law to file their taxes every year. Other people choose to file taxes, in order to receive deductions, refunds, and other benefits. Even if you do not technically have to file a return, it is possible that it could be a good idea for you to file one anyway.

If you’re not sure if you need to file a return, or you would like more information about how you could benefit from filing one anyway, you can set up a meeting with one of our agents by calling (360) 610-2791 now.

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Located in Burlington servicing Mount Vernon, Burlington and Sedro-Woolley

Alfa & Omega Tax Services Can Help With Income Tax Filing

There are many things that can go wrong in the process of tax filing, which can affect the speed and efficiency that your return is processed. If you’d like the peace of mind of knowing your tax filing process is being advised by a professional, or being filed for you, we can help with many aspects of the filing process.

Let Us Help You Navigate Your Tax Return Filing Process

Filing taxes has multiple steps, each with their own set of rules. For many years, it has been possible to file a paper return with the Internal Revenue Service by mail or by hand-delivering your file at an office. This means of filing taxes can mean a wait of up to 6 to 8 weeks for your paper return to be processed.

Due to recent technological advances, and changes in how tax law works in America, it is now possible to file an electronic return. Electronic returns can be faster to process—you can expect them to be processed in 3 weeks.

Income Tax Filing With Your Spouse is Easier With the Help of Our Services

  • If you are filing a return with your spouse, and they are unable to sign, you may be able to sign for them.
  • If your spouse is unable to sign because of medical reasons, you can sign for them. This is done by signing their name, and then writing the word “by” and then signing your signature, and writing your relationship (“husband” or “wife”).
  • If your spouse is unable to sign because they are mentally incapacitated, and you are responsible for making decisions on their behalf, you can sign and then write “guardian.”
  • If your spouse is unable to sign for any other reason (for example, they are out of the country), then you need legal power of attorney to have the right to sign on their behalf.
  • It is also possible to sign a return on behalf of a child. A child can be signed for by parents if a parent signs their own name, and then write “guardian” if the child is under 18, or “parent” in other cases.

Contact Us Now for Expert Tax Filing Services

To find out how we can help you, or if you have any questions about filing on behalf of another person, or if you’re still unsure of how the filing process works for your specific return, contact us now!

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